Tobias James

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photography courses workshops Brighton Sussex

Workshop: Mono

23rd Sep 2023 10 am until 4 pm

Cost: £150:00

Working with the Lights.

This workshop is designed to explore dynamic lighting for black and white portraiture. You will learn how to modify the shape of your light by using a range of tools such as grids, reflectors, and flags. 

You will learn how to set your camera up for studio photography, using both strobe and continuous lighting. 

How to get dramatic portraits using just one light, and experiment with the range and versatility of one light portraits.

We will see the effects of adding a second light to control the intensity of the shadows as well as light our backgrounds independently of our foregrounds. 


Working with the Model.

We will also look at how to work with models and sitters. You will learn how to put your sitter at ease. As well as how to best compose, frame and pose your sitter. What to look out for in the position of a head, the line of a neck and how all this related to how the sitter is being lit. learn how to work with both your model/sitter and your lighting to get the best possible results.


All the advantages of working in a small group. Great opportunities for collaboration as well as plenty of time to pursue personal ideas and goals in the studio!

Being a small group, places are limited and get booked fast. So please use the form below to reserve your place.

I look forward to hearing from you!